Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fillets- clean enough for Bill Gates, but not Steve Jobs

Here's what the fillets look like after the masking tape is removed. If I had been a bit more careful when I was applying the little dabs of epoxy that allowed me to remove the wires before filleting, the fillets would've been much cleaner. As it is, though, once I put the glass tape along each fillet and paint the whole thing with unthickened epoxy, this picture will be the only evidence that the fillets weren't perfectly clean. Steve Jobs would've probably started over, but he's dead now.

Here, the 3" glass tape is laid along each fillet, and next I'll coat the whole thing with unthickened epoxy.

In addition to glass tape, the inner hull between the fore and aft bulkheads gets a layer of 6 oz. cloth to add strength and stiffness beneath the seat and to protect the floor from the wear and tear of getting in and out of the boat. I ordered some peel-ply from Fiberglass Supply, and am planning on trying it out on the inner hull lay-out before I decide whether or not to use it for the exterior glassing.

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