Friday, January 13, 2012

What to build

So, while my brother is busy in Hood River, Oregon, building Mariana, an ultra high-tech blue water 44 foot sailing catamaran, I decided to knock together a more modest vessel here in Santa Cruz. If my job doesn't get in the way of my free time, I'll be paddling my Chesapeake Light Craft 16LT kayak out past the point break at Steamer Lane by mid-spring late spring.

I chose the CLC boat because quite a number of people posted favorable things about it on the Internet, including a bunch of readers of Sea Kayaker magazine (who knew there was a mag for sea kayakers). They voted it the best D-I-Y kayak out there. I know fock-all about kayaks, but you gotta assume that the readership of SK mag is obsessed with them, so it seemed like a good enough endorsement.

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