Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Laying out the panels

The epoxy was a bit slow because, well, it's January. It took two days to cure. The second day was chilly for Santa Cruz standards - in the low 50s - so I enclosed the joints inside a makeshift box and put a heater in the box to keep the epoxy warm (every 10 degree temp increase doubles the reaction rate).

After the epoxy cured, I cleaned the panels up with a sander then marked the stations according to the offsets in the plans and laid out the sides and bottom panels using a fairing baton. Here, I'm transferring the full-size bow profile from the plans onto one of the bottom panels by poking a sharp awl through the paper into the wood. I cut a little window out of the plans so I could see to line up the paper correctly. Next I"ll screw the two side blanks together, and the two bottom blanks together, cut them out with a jigsaw two at a time, and finally touch up the edges with a hand plane.

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