Friday, January 13, 2012

I have a plan...

The plans and construction manual cost $70, which gets you a detailed step-by-step procedure, drawings with offsets, and full-sized templates for the tricky shapes, like the lines on the bow and stern, the hatch coaming pieces, and the like. Also, with the purchase of a plans set (which is really a build license), you get to call the CLC shop in Annapolis and ask questions. These are really Crescent's plans - she's gonna build her boat later. When she starts, we'll send CLC another 10 bucks for an additional build license.

The plans don't actually come in the wooden box. I threw that together to give Crescent the plans in for her birthday. It's made of scrap redwood left over from the outdoor shower I built in September, which was made of scrap redwood from the city dump. I'm a cheap bastard.

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